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Catalog #Beat 1

Hound Dog/You Ain't No Friend Of Mine (medley)




On this 12" 45 RPM record, Bill Kern has taken the 'classic' Elvis song (Hound Dog), and put it in a medley with a composition of his own.  This record is probably one of the most outrageous and innovative of the Beat Bad releases.  This recording was way ahead of its time.  It is Punk, it is Dance, it could be considered techno.  It was produced in 1980 by Bill and Barry Knoedl.  They utilized an early drum machine called a Rhythm Ace, which was modified by Barry's brother, George Knoedl, two bass guitars, and for most of the recording no rhythm guitars.  Guitarist, Randy Hudson, had a rack of every pedal effect available at the time, making his guitar solo on Hound Dog sound like a steel drum.  Tom Juliano plays a solo on Soprano sax that has a very middle eastern flavor to it.  There is an extended instrumental section in the middle of 'You Ain't No Friend Of Mine' that features Teddy Karczewski playing guitar through an Arp Avatar (a guitar synthesizer), and Randy Hudson's guitar through various effects, including ring modulator, phase shifter, distortion, and comb filter, and playing his guitar with an electric razor.  This 10 minute epic was a unique entry to the Punk market in 1981.

Radio In U.S.A. is a perfect example of Bill Kern's diversity as a songwriter.  Although the song has an infectiously melody, it is Punk - pure and simple.  This 12" version of Radio In U.S.A. has an a capella tag with 8 part harmonies all performed by Bill and Barry.

More About Bill Kern


Hear It Now!

Hound Dog/You Ain't No Friend Of Mine

Radio In U.S.A.

Original 12 inch vinyl 45 now available.   $12.00 (US) each.

Plus $7.30 Media Mail shipping (shipping discounts for multiple copies).

Additional costs for international shipping.



Hound Dog/You Ain't No Friend Of Mine   Vocal - Bill Kern; Basses - Bill Kern, Barry Knoedl; Drums - Bill Kern; Rhythm Ace - Ralph Mori, Barry Knoedl, Bill Kern; Guitar - Randy Hudson (1st solo); Arp Avatar - Teddy Karczewski (2nd Guitar solo); Sax Tom Juliano; Percussion - Bill Kern, Barry Knoedl, Ralph Mori; Telephone - Ralph Mori; Inspiration - Elevis Presley, who inspired us all

Radio In U.S.A.   Lead Vocal - Bill Kern; Background Vocals - Barry Knoedl, Joe Schillace, Bill Kern; Drums - Bill Kern; Bass - Barry Knoedl; Guitar - Joe Schillace; A Capella Tag - Bill & Barry; Inspiration - Nipo, you asked for it

Produced by Bill & Barry
Engineers - Barry Knoedl and Ralph Mori
Recorded at Kno Studio, Patchogue, NY
Cover - Bill Kern
Lettering - John Sheridan
Dedicated to Flo, Bill's Mom
© Copyright 1981 Beat Bad Records

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